I see the most wonderfull baby's photos, etc. BUT ...
But see first www.missingkids.org Safey Tips for Expectant Parents. THANX OOXX :-) Carefull, now. I'm a Mom of 10/12 kids are Preemies.....I was having trouble with commenting on Hannah's posties so I've put a couple maybe too many, 'cause those confirm with image/no spam feature.....gave me a bit of trouble. I love your blogger/Website. Congratulations. All the best to Dr. John O'toole, PS Bhurji, Gerry Greenestone, and OB Peter Ho. love "Squeaky".....the ER staff at RCH know me by this nickname ..... "Brown Loafter's" is Dr. Peter Ho, yes I have to "go" ..... REALLY GO!! Now will you believe me?! now, when I phone in B4 arriving at RCH I tell him "Don't forget the Brown Loafers, see you in 5@RCH." (He never forgave me 4 wreckin' his White Nikes!! He still thinks that the nerve in Backside press from kid's head makes one feel like one's "gotta go" ...He learned otherwise-thanx to me and Sahib Singh - first son on/about Oct. 17'th/'96-SMH/FHA) When I had the broken leg; good 'ol "saw-bones" wanted to X-ray me for leg/over my dead/baby's body!! wait til I deliver!! Peter Ho to ER-STAT!! (He puts on gown butno shoe covers / over white NIKES!!-That'll teach 'em!!) Better Service TIP for ER if you want Immediate Service in ER Better have baby's parts stickin' outta yours truly!! and some "Ammo"/ie: Amniotic fluid in shoes, thus the nickname "Squeaky" All the best, to other mother's who've presented in ER and ..... "E" me, and we'll share stories!! indilovesbikki@yahoo.ca keep 'em comin' .....Bikki's busy - sends his best # 13 on his way.....Bein' Zawawar -Saroop - Basaikhi Singh Khalsa-Sidhu OOXX :-)