
Our Marriage, Children, etc.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Yeah!! we have yet, another wed anniversary web site.....

Hey all of you our new wed site is view up til 7 days, (that's how long my free trial is. (Oops, sorry!!) Any way, ENJOY!! see you at the big celebration.....

Monday, March 27, 2006

Martha Stewart ..... & /Martha Stewart also has Veggitarian recipes!! check it out. Luvya all lotsa.....OOXX :-)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Martha Stewart has veggie / tarian, that is-recipes!!

see her online, too!! luvya lotsa and read my last blog/see what folks are bein' mean to me!!

Oh that KUC!!

The Panjabi woman who works in the cafeteria there-7 PM Thursday March 23'rd/'06 was making chuglia(n) / slander about me to any white guy, also working there, I kindly asked her to stop then she appolized to my face and behind my back she call to Security who told me I wasn't welcome there, any much for telling Panjabi women not to allow them to make you fool!! (standing up for oneself is something they detest!!) so she was standing there with a finger up one of two / quite possibly both orifices-ear and rear!! So, she called security on me so I would feel bad and that she would get last laugh, Well, I'm getting last laugh 'cause I reported her behavior to the head of the college/and HRs!! she messed with the wrong white bitch!! face it, that's what your all calling me/ghori!!.....I do know what ghori mean's ya know!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Veggie Recipes!! Martha Stewart/

She has recipe finder on the top of the page right hand side. lotsa!! bring some to shindig, we can all try them.....bring enough to feed: 25/50/100 at least.....THANX OOXX :-)

Our plans are unfolding like flowers

this is gonna be thee best shindig!! Happy Anniversary to Us. March 12/'94-'06.....Sept 23/'06 6 PM celebration rather belated!! but better late / belated than never.....see you there.....if you have an e-vite please RSVP to and bring a veggie dish., it's potluck. THANX OOXX :-) see previous blogs for d/t's .....also see veggie/curry cook books in Chapter's / Indigo or google it. see what you get. Our local Chapter's is in Strawberry Hill near the theatre, near this library near 122 Street & 72 Avenue. see you all there, We look forward to seein' you all.

Friday, March 17, 2006

More to read/recipes, etc. for anniversary

Tiffany Weddings/Martha Stewart Wedding and go to her website, too Martha Stewart -Weddings. til then.....lookin' forward to seein' you all there....this is gonna be some buffet/potluck supper, etc.

More to read/recipes, etc. for anniversary

Tiffany Weddings/Martha Stewart Wedding and go to her website, too Martha Stewart -Weddings. til then.....lookin' forward to seein' you all there....this is gonna be some buffet/potluck supper, etc.

More to read/recipes, etc. for anniversary

Tiffany Weddings/Martha Stewart Wedding and go to her website, too Martha Stewart -Weddings. til then.....lookin' forward to seein' you all there....this is gonna be some buffet/potluck supper, etc.

My Landlady's such a bitch.....

She's always speaking badly to me about and in front of me to others, and behind my back.....I don't even tell any body I live with her, then she has jokers over, just to show I do live there/We're moving.....she goes in our room, when we're not home and moves things around and she told me it's her house she can do what she wants, we told her we'll call police and she told me / us she's gonna just tell them some false story, then they'll only do something to me/not her. she also throws my mail in garbage and she told my Bikki/hubby she does this, she only loves / has crush on him, not like white bitch like me.....

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Creme Fraiche, tomatoe-cracked pepper soup.....

Buy 50 x2 serving per for 100 Campbell's Gardenay-Zeller's (2.49+ each/each one serves two ) and please also contribute to our potluck: Pindi/Okra, Saag, naan/roti, shahee paneer, gajraila/carrots-sweet pudding, salad(s), veggie plates, fruit, we're bringin' the veggie cake by google it-Bride&/and Groom Shop/2005 .....they're doin' my dec's, etc. as well-I met them in Spring/ ' 92 & E 50'th&Fraser/Main in Vanc. THANX/ Buhot, Buhot Dhanvad!! // they're also several veggie cook books & magazines with veggie recipes in them and that potluck book at SPL/ (try to google it if this doensn't link/ connect) It's a great book with lotsa recipes/veggie, too. such as: btao(n)/Aubergine, etc. in salads, entrees, etc. THANX *Gur Fateh//I'd really want this to be a success!! It's for Bikki for having such patience, etc. with me, all these years/bring also CD player/we're having some music, too. a'll see!!

Our Anniversary was.....

On the 12'th, successfull, and lookin' forward to the 23 Sept/'06.....Our Big Easy.....Shindig....we'll be having guests from all over and different relious demoninations all of which Bikki knows about that I've been involved in. I'm making/drawing up/listing several recipes-potluck items/menu is potluck-veggie. see / Martha Stewart-Weddings. music-have a listen. I'll keep you all posted. THANX OOXX :-) I Sidhu. for our story, etc.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


BikkiSinghIndiKaur: I'd like to comment on Japnaam's why I don't eat.....

BikkiSinghIndiKaur: I'd like to comment on Japnaam's why I don't

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'd like to comment on Japnaam's why I don't eat.....

at restaurants-server wouldn't let me do on his, so here it is....The Panj Piare says Jan/ ' 91 -Vancouver' s across from Ross Street's Gurdwara, Joga Singh you know which, the one who works at the bank-Surrey Metro Savings- on 72 Ave, wear's glasses and has twins "Restaurants are out of the question". And also said, same day/time, etc. One can notice a great lookin' guy/gal-we can't wander around blindfolded, but don't dwell on it, as it turns to Kaam. Which brings us also back to the food and restaurant thing, Dad (R.S. Malik) who's also Panj Piare says that meat/any (Kutta-makes the animal suffer that's other reason, we don't eat that stuff ) And eggs makes us Kaami/trust me he's right-we have close to 12 children!! One's due on Aug 15/' 06 India's Independance day/anniversary/ ' 47. So, for every reason ~ DON'T EAT THAT STUFF!! THANX OOXX :-) *GUR FATEH// see: Kehrit's forum ..... and play the Sikh Sant's Game, too I've been Sant 5 X .....YEAH!! THANX for all the Gurmat Camps.....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hey all of you,

= Our formal wear is with Sidhu Also see for all sortsa stuff like music and you can even listen to some related and see Sunny's Bridal as well as Frontier Bridal , Sept.23/'06 @ 6 PM @ Khalsa School info@khalsaschool.c if you want to enrol your kids there,etc. Til the next blog, or?! whichever's sooner!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mehfil Magazine is.....

really great!! see lotsa stuff there, and have fun browsing current issue and articles - best viewed with side bar, online. all the best to you. see also 1995 July/August Issue.

Monday, March 06, 2006

This blogging is great.....

There's lotsa I'd like to link you all up with but, I'm having trouble with making it easier to just clik ' n go creation.....THANX for your patience!!

BikkiSinghIndiKaur: Wedding Anniversary reception, etc.planning Related link.....

BikkiSinghIndiKaur: Wedding Anniversary reception, OR

Saturday, March 04, 2006

BikkiSinghIndiKaur: Indi & Bikki sittin' in a tree.....

BikkiSinghIndiKaur: My daughter's & son'snicknames "R".....

also see: see: photo gallery /in particular, Amritsanchar 2005. also: and listen to the live broadcast and see also for other May ' 94 + May 2004 Kirtan-each marks our newly wed + 2 months and married/wedding anniversary 10 years + 2 months.....congrat's to "Deepi&Mindi" hardeep Singh and Gurminder Kaur linked with Hardeep and Japnaam Singh - they both have blogs, as does This is where I'm getting the nick-name "Naami" as it is Japnaam Singh's childhood nick-name.....He feels as if he's grown out of it, so I nick-named one of my sons/the youngest of 7, (so far!!) after him. Jujhar-Satnaam - Adi Granth Sahib Singh Khalsa-Sidhu.....we also have 4 girls and one more on the way.....Aug 15'th due date, but probably will be early like the others, in May just in time to greet Baba Jeevan Singh- "AKJ" google it in case of problems with this link/for viewing.....Til then.....see you all in May!! also this site has the link to the Canadian AKJ "e" for Saturday Evening and such local programs for our group. Vancouver/Surrey, usually held in Khalsa School/Surrey.