
Our Marriage, Children, etc.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Gees, that landlady can't leave well enough alone....

She just can't do it, has to be fighting me all the time, last night, included-she has no shame, in calling me bad name / she can dish it out but can't take it, had to give her shit, yet again and now I'm again not talking to her, she calls me "proudy" when I give her the silent treatment/stonewall her. Poor Bikki he's just suffering, too ..... thanx to God about having our marriage counsellors. God Bless them. signing off.....Indi K Sidhu OOXX :-) These are for my poor/patience of a Saint, Bikki.....who's stood by me through all of this. Love him 4 EVER, .....


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