She's reached her due date-Born 12 wks early .....
on May 19'th /'06 11:10 + 15 seconds PM Due Date yesterday August 15'th /'06 YEAH!! we had a gathering at the "other house" that's why I didn't get time to blog it, until today!! She's doin' great - Simran-Gujri Gur-Roop Kaur Khalsa-Sidhu Jujhar-Satnaam Adi Granth Sahib Singh Khalsa-Sidhu is one year old, now as of August 1st. we also had gathering at the 'other house" for him, too due to infant/child security concerns non available to the public/sorry. / - Safety Tips for Expectant Parents, Analysis of Kidnappings/Infant Abductions, etc. and Guide-Lines for Prevention, (etc.) of Infant Abductions-Health Care Professionals ..... can order 1 free brochure of each online form # 05 and # 66 on line form. few of us think this can happen to them see and hardcopy of Sept / '06 of Parents Magazine page 176 also baby backlash on page 156 just a bunch of jealous B*s who have "no any kid" back stabbing/probably already told off/by hospital security and or Moms at the Mall insulting other's kids to save face that they couldn't have any, just pretending to be childless by choice!! and a few months back "Manners" had also some folks poking about strangers bugging other people's kids So, watch out-no more you can look but don't touch, don't let them look, either as this is pre-abduction behaviour !! how do you know they we'ren't just kicked out of nearby hospital by security?! Anyway, baby 13 (boy?!)Zawawar-Saroop-Basaikhi (Singh?) on the way; Due: April . 19'th in / ' 07 & Expected: Dec./Jan. ' 07 ..... anywhere between24-28 wks (16-12 wks Premature - as usual ) if a girl, will be Bhani-Gurmat-Basaikhi Kaur / due to (oops sorry no pun intended!!) due date of April 19'th ..... closest to Basaikhi/'07 ! !) This is the Basaikhi kid ie: "BK" I've/We well, Bikki says whatever due/expected dates God gives us anyway we'll take what we can get / been waiting for, never B4 had a kid due date near this time, Wow, this is "it"(him/her) ..... See "Share" on March of Dimes ..... and "Hail to Gingerale !! Gonna Need Some!!" (To: Mom/Mother Malik on an "e"-card for her.) Gonna need some (A/V is Amrit Vela; A/K is Anand Karaj; A/S is Amrit Sanchar.) Will keep you bloggers posted * Gur Fateh // ..... Indi K & Bikki Singh Sidhu