
Our Marriage, Children, etc.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Again .....

landlady in my room, without permission-door locked/she opens, taking my stuff, throwing and from shed, too. would change lock in bedroom door but then she would lock me out of the house, etc. with chain, even though I have house key, cannot do it when she does chain on door!! What a bitch!! she always tries to play my hubby against me and me against him, too. unhappy when unsuccessfull!! has men over to house and calls me to meet them, etc. she's Indo-Canadian - Widow from Jalandhar they slap hard too 2 X she did in front of my hubby!! last month. 1/2 too etc. she's from my place/new me B4 marriage and now she see me after marriage she come to my place of living, etc after marriage/I'm not stupid enough to visit my Kuli Pindi-this is her coming to my Biar Pind and interfering. what a bitch. I know other people who knew me B4 marriage and after and they're NOT doin' this B.S!! mind you, they all have their own hubby - still alive, etc. Just widows FGD acting like that, over and over.....Gees anyone else with this problem ?!


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